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This article is from our archives and has not been updated and integrated with our "new" site yet... Even so, it's still awesome - so keep reading!

Published on Wed, Dec 1, 2004

By: The LACar Editorial Staff

AUTOBOOKS-AEROBOOK'S AUTOMOTIVE CALENDAR OF EVENTS LA Car relies on the Automotive Calendar of Events (ACE) for the most comprehensive information on upcoming automotive events in the area. Compiled by Autobooks-Aerobooks, ACE is a monthly magazine packed with details on upcoming events in California, Nevada, and Arizona. A one-year subscription is $18 ($25 for first class; $50 for outside the USA via air mail). Checks should be made payable to A.C.E., and sent to:   3524 West Magnolia Blvd Burbank, CA 91505 E-mail: [email protected]  In addition, event organizers can have their event listed in ACE. Submissions must contain the event's time, day, location and cost. Submissions need to be received by the 10th of the month preceding the event. Submissions can be sent to the same address, or faxed to 818-845-8963.  Joan Denver has sold her interest in Miss Information's AUTOMOTIVE CALENDAR OF EVENTS (ACE) to Autobooks-Aerobooks, the automotive and aviation bookstore located in Burbank, CA. Long-time LA Car patron Doug Stokes is ACE Editor, while LA Car's own Harold Osmer is the production editor. Cover price and subscription rates are the same. For more information, go to the Autobooks-Aerobooks site. - Roy Nakano A NEW CHAPTER Starting back in November of 2005, a new chapter began in the storied saga of Miss Information's AUTOMOTIVE CALENDAR OF EVENTS (ACE). Since 1979, when the insightful Bobbie'dine Rodda compiled the first event listing, through the glory years with publisher/editor John Meyer III, and to the great job done by Joan Denver and her staff, it's now time for Burbank-based Autobooks-Aerobooks to carry the publishing torch. Just in case there's any doubt, everything that you've come to expect, rely on, believe in, and trust is still here. Bobbie'dine continues to make her regular visit each month, and John Meyer roots (and toots) whenever he has things to root about or toot his horn over. And of course - the most complete calendar of automotive events covering California, Arizona and Nevada. Plus - the connection with Autobooks-Aerobooks gives ACE the opportunity to add some great new features to the editorial package. ACE is as much a part of the Southwestern automotive scene as the roads we drive on. We know this because you - the readers, event organizers, car clubs and advertisers - have told us so in no uncertain terms. So, welcome to the "new" AUTOMOTIVE CALENDAR OF EVENTS: The traditional values that you've come to expect mixed with the latest information and a new enthusiasm for the world of collector cars and enthusiast events. Hang on, 'cause it's a great ride!

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