This article is from our archives and has not been updated and integrated with our "new" site yet... Even so, it's still awesome - so keep reading!
Published on Sun, Sep 21, 2008
By: The LACar Editorial Staff
Despite my best efforts, I cannot keep up with all the literature out there
regarding the motorized world at large. My own particular bent is toward the
very early history of automobiles, motorcycles, and aircraft. I recently came
upon The American Motorcycle and thought it must be a new release.
Nope. This book was published in 2001 and it went right by me. I happened across
author Stephen Wright at a Ventura Raceway event and saw it there. $49.95? Are
you kidding me? I had to have it and the book does not disappoint.
Stephen Wright's previous works include the terrific two-parter American Racer
1900-1940 and American Racer 1940-1980. He has restored many vintage
motorcycles, has extensive knowledge, and is very good at telling a story. All
great attributes for an author.
The American Motorcycle is presented in chronological order, with one or two
pages given to all motorcycles appearing on the American scene. Photos and
descriptions in the form of long captions make up the book. There is no text in
the true sense of the word, but reading one year to the next allows a reader to
easily pick out the changes in technology, approach to design, and effectiveness
of each through the years.
The earliest motorcycles had wooden frames and steam engines. Things we take for
granted today had to be decided upon somewhere along the way. Gas tank location,
seating arrangement, handle bar contour, and chain versus belt drive are just a
Oddities, forward-thinking, and racing machines are shown in all their glory.
Some bikes are shown in restored or as-found condition along with hundreds of
period photos. Close-ups and advertising artwork offer even more eye candy.
Even with the large 11x 12 format and crystal clear photos, I found myself
straining to get more visual detail. And a t time or two I got to wondering why
some piece of technology was made a certain way. For example, there is no
discussion of why cables were not found on most motorcycles of this era. A quick
sidebar could have told the story and illustrated the mechanics of solving the
problem another way.
That's as nit-picky as I can get with The American Motorcycle. Wright provides
enough photos and information to keep our minds busy. This was a dramatic period
in American history, filled with innovators, daredevils, and the spirit to push
the ever-expanding envelope.
As an older publication, this makes for a wonderful find. I bought two and gave
one away to a friend who also missed it on initial release. How it got by us no
longer matters.
The American Motorcycle 1869-1914 shines a bright light on the people, machines,
and fascinating period of motorcycle history. Then the author steps aside,
tempting you to come along for a ride. Take it.
Harold O.
For more information, go to americanmotorcyclebook.comÂ