Here's what you should do this weekend!
The Automobile Driving Museum will reopen with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce and reopen their doors to the public on May 1st - with a special Cruise-In event.
By The Editors
Thu, Apr 29, 2021 08:30 PM PST
Editor's Note: This article is based on a Press Release from Automobile Driving Museum.
The Automobile Driving Museum - in El Segundo, CA - will be reopening its doors with a special ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce at 10 am, and then officially reopening their doors to the public on May 1st with a special Cruise-In.
Cruise-In visitors can expect exciting live musical performances, food trucks, and vintage clothing vendors selling the coolest and hardest to find vintage threads in Los Angeles. Mitzi & Co will also be hosting and judging the Pin-up contest for Miss ADM 2021 and giving out awards for contestants and Pinup winner.

Great Reasons To Go (as if you needed a reason)
§§§ Johnny Martinez of Wicked Lines Pinstriping will be creating live pinstriping in front of car show enthusiast.
§§§ Live musical performances by Catfish & The Hollywood Hound Dogs, Crown City Bombers, and The Frantic Rockers
§§§ Hot Wheels giveaways for kids and teens (so bring the family!)
Covid Notes
Since the indoor portion of the Automobile Driving Museum has been closed to the public for over a year, their main attraction has been their outdoor Cruise-In’s. These outdoor events are in high demand as they're perfect for those who want to have plenty of social distancing space while enjoying lots of classic and vintage cars as well as good food, live music, vintage pop-up shops, and contests for Cruise-In participants.
However, starting on May 1st the indoor museum space, ice cream parlor, and ballroom will be open to the public at a 50% capacity and with temporary COVID-19 safety protocols in place:

Safety Precautions
- A face mask or face covering is required to be worn while inside the museum.
- Maintain a 6ft distance from others.
- Maximum occupancy in the museum floor is 100 patrons at one time.
- Automobiles are off limits, please do not touch or get inside vehicles.
- Children’s play area is closed.
- Frequently touched surfaces, such as desktops, door handles, bathrooms will be disinfected regularly.