The North American Hot Wheels Legends Tour goes live online - effectively bringing the tour to your home
Afraid to attend the big show because of the pandemic? No worries, the big show will come to you. The big show, in this case, is the 2021 Hot Wheels Legends Tour. The latest North American virtual event goes live on Thursday, May 20th, with our friends at DUB magazine back to co-host the show.
By Roy Nakano
Mon, May 17, 2021 08:00 PM PST
Hot Wheels, of course, are the miniature die-cast toy cars introduced by Mattel back in 1968. The brainchild of Mattel's Elliiot Handler, the first Hot Wheels were designed by Harry Bradley. Bradley went on to teach car design at the Art Center College of Design. Originally intended for children, Hot Wheels went on to be big among adult collectors. Today, Hot Wheels rival baseball cards in terms of collection ferver. But unlike baseball cards, the Hot Wheels hobby extends to making full-size custom cars, with the dream of having one's design make it as a Hot Wheels toy.
Enter the Hot Wheels Legend Tour:
(Virtual) Hot Wheels Legends Tour
Open to Hot Wheels hobbyists throughout the United States and Canada, the Legends Tour will showcase the next round of custom car submissions. The event winner will go on to compete with other winners for the change to have their creation become a Hot Wheels Garage of Legends inductee, with the ultimate satisfaction of having their artwork become a 1:64 die-cast Hot Wheel for sale at Walmart stores.
The Hot Wheels Legends Tour is presented by Mobil 1 and sponsored by Walmart, Dynacraft and Milestone S.r.l. To bring the show to your home, all you need to do is to tune in to the Hot Wheels or DUB Facebook pages, starting at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on May 20th. Host Jarod DeAnda will be joined by a blue ribbon panel of judges, including professional race and stunt driver Collete Davis (who will co-host the event), Hot Wheels designers Ralph Benitez and Kevin Geralez, DUB magazine co-founder and 2020 SEMA Person of the Year Myles Kovacs. The criteria? They will be looking for the entry that best embodies "authenticity, creativity and garage spirit".
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Visit the Hot Wheels Legends Tour Facebook page or the DUB Facebook page for more information.
Or - for even more information - check out the Hot Wheels Legends Tour website.
Check Out Our Gallery From Past Events:
About The Author

Roy Nakano gave birth to LACar in the late '90s, having previously delivered LA Audio File back in the '80s. Aside from the occasional review, Roy likes to stray off the beaten automotive path: "Six Degrees of Reparations" reflected on the regretful ethical paths taken by car companies throughout history. "Traveling Through the Past and Present of the Green Book" looked at businesses that took a stand against racism and the man that wrote the book on where to find them. "Best Cars to Drive in Rush Hour Traffic" was an LACar guide published in the pre-GPS era. "In Search of the First Datsun 510 Tuner" looked at one of the milestones in the origin of import tuners.